Little Book Chapter 7 'In Retrospect', released in 2023, is a meticulously crafted blended straight whiskey that pays homage to the rich traditions of American whiskey-making. Hailing from Kentucky, this expression showcases the artistry of blending, weaving together various straight whiskey styles to create a harmonious and complex flavor profile.
With each sip, you'll be transported on a journey through layers of flavor, from the sweet caramel notes reminiscent of bourbon to the spicy rye undertones. The palate offers a balanced combination of oak, vanilla, and hints of dried fruits, making for a truly indulgent tasting experience.
In the glass, 'In Retrospect' reveals a captivating aroma, with hints of toasted oak, caramelized sugar, and a touch of cinnamon spice. Crafted with the finest ingredients and expertly aged, this whiskey boasts a smooth finish that lingers, leaving a warm and satisfying sensation. At a respectable alcohol content of 59.05%, it's perfect for savoring neat or enjoying your favorite whiskey cocktails.